My office
The address is 351, cours de la Libération F-33405 Talence cedex, France
How to get there
From the train station (Gare St Jean)
The easiest is to take the bus line 31 towards Gradignan Beausoleil and get off at Peixotto (13 stops), then follow the directions above.
You need to purchase a ticket, which you can do from the driver (1,90 euros). Live information about this bus line can be found here. If there are no buses, take tram C towards Gare de Blanquefort or Bordeaux Parc des expositions, and get off at Quiconces. Then tram B towards Pessac Centre or France Alouette and get off at Peixotto, then follow the directions above.
Live information about tram C line can be found here, and here for tram B.
From the city centre
Take tram B towards Pessac Centre or France Alouette and get off at Peixotto, then follow the directions above. You need to purchase a ticket, which you cannot do from the driver because there are no driver, but you can purchase a ticket from the machine at each tram stop (1,90 euros).
From the airport
Take the bus line 1 towards Bordeaux Gare Saint-Jean and get off at Victoire. Then take tram B towards Pessac Centre or France Alouette and get off at Peixotto, and follow the directions above. You need to purchase a ticket, which you can do from the driver (1,70 euros), or at the ticket machine. Live information about this bus line can be found here, and here for tram B.
In the campus
In all cases you end up at the bus and tram station called Peixotto. From there: enter the campus (there is a fence with a door next to the tram stop), and look for building A30 (LaBRI) on this map: (the Peixotto tram stop is on the bottom right, "entrée"). Once you found LaBRI, enter through the main gates.
There are stairs to your left, take them, you will see a reception ("accueil"). Ask to call me. Unfortunately you cannot access (without a special badge) the second floor where my office is (number 268, next to the elevator).